Exception handling in store procedure in sql server 2005
Exception handling is used to handle the errors occurred in program. If any problem occurred then a specific action should be completed, it is called exception handling. Usually in .net we use try catch statements. similar to this if we want to handle exception in sql server store procedure then we will use begin try and end try. Please read example given below :
Create proc dbo.insertUser (
@username varchar(50),
@createdon datetime,
@salary varchar(10)
as begin ----------------------- begin try -- from here exception handling start here ----------------------- begin transaction set IDENTITY_INSERT tbl_emp ON insert into tbl_emp( username, createdon, salary)values ( @username, @createdon, @salary) commit transaction
end try -- try block ended
begin catch -- if an error occurred the this block will execute rollback transaction -- Transaction will be roll back insert into tbl_error (logDate,source,msg)values (getdate(),'insertUser',error_message()) -- error description will inserted in tbl_error end catch end
We are using two tables in this tbl_emp and tbl_error. We are inserting an entry in tbl_emp. If execute complete then entry will be successful inserted other wise error decription will be inserted in tbl_error.
Contributed by:
Rohit kakria
I am software developer
Resourse address on xpode.com
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