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Bubble Sort

Bubble sort is a simple algorithm based on making comparison of two values and switch their position if not in correct order. E.g we will take an example of 12546 first compare will be of 1-2 both are in correct format so no need to swith. then comparison of 2-5 these are also in correct format. after that 5-4.both are not in correct order. so we will swith their position. after that 5-6 Now comparison ends, list will be in sorted order.



void main()
       int a[10],n,i,j,temp,flag;


       printf("Enter the size of array: ");
       printf("\nEnter the elements of array:\n");


       printf("\nAfter sorting the elements of array are:\n");
              printf("%d ",a[i]);


Contributed by:
Rohit kakria
I am software developer, moderator of xpode.com

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