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Java interview questions: - Show the predefined result in struts?

In Struts 2 there are certain pre-defined result types which along with its function are explained as below.

Result type Function
Chain Result Action Chaining
Dispatcher Result web resource integration, including
JSP integration
FreeMarker Result FreeMarker integration
HttpHeader Result control special HTTP behaviors
Redirect Result redirect to another URL (web resource)
Redirect Action Result redirect to another action mapping
Stream Result stream an InputStream back to the
browser (usually for file downloads)
Velocity Result Velocity integration
XSL Result XML/XSLT integration
PlainText display the raw content of a particular
page (i.e jsp, HTML)
Tiles Result provide Tiles integration

View the following video on Bean Tag with Struts 2 as follows: -

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Contributed by:
Shivprasad Koirala
We conduct training for Java/J2EE technologies like design patterns, J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, Spring, Rich Interface etc. and likes to write articles on the same in free time.

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