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Articles in April of year 2014

.NET interview questions: - How to have parameterized constructor?
We can have this by putting parameters in the function. function Employee(eName,eAddress)
.NET interview questions: - What is the best practice to update interface with new methods?
Practical scenario based .NET interview questions asked by interviewer on OOPS interface. So fol
ASP.NET caching interview questions: - What are different types of caching using cache object of ASP.NET? How can you cache different version of same page using ASP.NET cache object?
Following are various ASP.NET caching interview questions asked by the interviewer. You c
.NET OOPS interview questions: - What is an Interface? Do interface have accessibility modifier? Can we create an object of abstract class or an interface?
nterface is a contract that defines the signature of the functionality. It looks like a class but ha
C#.NET interview questions: - What is the difference between Build Vs Rebuild Vs Clean solution menu? What is the difference “Rebuild” and if you do “Clean” + “Build”?
Following is C#.NET interview questions on comparison of Build Vs Rebuild
ASP.NET MVC interview questions: - What is data annotation validation in MVC? How to enable data annotation validation?
If you want to check string length, you can use “StringLength”. Normal 0
.NET interview questions: - What are code contracts? Does code contract only do dynamic checks?
Code contracts are used when you want to call and run a method under certain pre-conditions, p