A New approach to share Knowledge
xpode is a new kind of sharing knowledge portal, built on the idea that education
can be more intuitive, efficient, and useful for every one. And maybe even fun.
After all, xpode has:
Manage the Articles
Article can be managed from admin section. you can add and update your articles.
Make your own categories and arrange articles according to catgory
wise. Manage the Add, update the category according to you.
Access Account
Access your account fron any where across the world.
Check Comments and Popularity of your Article.
You can check the statistics of your articles. How many time your article accessed
and how many people commented for your articles. All from backend section.
Your own page
You will get your own page where your all information will be shown like how many
articles you have contributed to this website.
Rss Feed
You will have your own rss feed identity for your submitted articles on the website.
Sign in to xpode with your account creadentials
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