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Articles in December of year 2009

Script to get the detail of every database or specific database
This script will show the detail of the every database of the sql server. It will show the space o
Script to Truncate All Tables in a Database
This script truncate all tables or reset all tables of a database. In this script a loop is runnin
Get the total space of all databases
This query tells the total number of space covered by the all databases of sql server. Copy and pa
Basic Concepts - Rate of growth
It is not possible to perform simple analysis on the algorithm to determine exact amount of time req
Basic Concepts - Time-Space Tradeoff
he best algorithm to solve a problem is that which requires less space in memory and takes less time
Basic Concepts - Time Complexity and reasons for measuring it
It is the amount of time which is needed by the algorithm (program) to run to completion. We can mea
Basic Concepts - Space Complexity and reasons for measuring it
It is the amount of memory which is needed by the algorithm (program) to run to completion. We ca
Basic Concepts - Types of algorithm complexities
There are two types of algorithm complexity: 1. Space Complexity 2. Time Complexi
Basic Concepts - Need of measuring the complexity of an algorithm
There can be several algorithms to solve a particular problem. So to choose one out of them, we have
Basic Concepts - Algorithm Complexity
t is the function which tells us that how much space and time will be taken by the algorithm to give