/***********************************************************************/ /*PROGRAM TO FIND MAX, AVG AND PRODUCTS OF VALUES IN LINEAR LINKED LIST*/ /***********************************************************************/
#include < stdio.h> #include < conio.h> #include < malloc.h> #include < process.h> #include < ctype.h>
struct linear_list { int info; struct linear_list *next; }*start,*newnode,*ptr;
void main() { int item; int i; long int max,prod,sum,avg;
char ch; clrscr(); newnode=(struct linear_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct linear_list)); start=newnode; do { printf("\nEnter data: "); scanf("%d",&item); newnode->info=item; printf("\nDo you want to create another node:(y/n)"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&ch); if(tolower(ch)=='y') { newnode->next=(struct linear_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct linear_list)); newnode=newnode->next; } else { newnode->next=NULL; } }while(tolower(ch)!='n'); printf(“\n Linked List is:\n”); ptr=start; i=1; while(ptr!=NULL) { printf("\nNode %d : %d",i,ptr->info); ptr=ptr->next; i++; }
long int max,prod,sum,avg,i; ptr=start; max=ptr->info; prod=1; sum=0; i=0; while(ptr!=NULL) { if(maxinfo) { max=ptr->info; } prod=prod*ptr->info; sum=sum+ptr->info; ptr=ptr->next; i++; } avg=sum/i; printf("\nMaximum value = %ld\nAverage = %ld\nProduct = %ld",max,avg,prod);
getch(); }