What is HTML 5?
HTML 5 is a new standard for HTML whose main target is to deliver everything without need to any additional plugins like flash, Silverlight etc. It has everything from animations, videos, rich GUI etc.
HTML5 is cooperation output between World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).
In HTML 5 we do not need DTD why?
HTML 5 does not use SGML or XHTML it’s completely a new thing so you do not need to refer DTD. For HTML 5 you just need to put the below doctype code which makes the browser identify that this is a HTML 5 document.
If I do not put <! DOCTYPE html> will HTML 5 work?
No, browser will not be able to identify that it’s a HTML document and HTML 5 tags will not function properly.
Which browsers support HTML 5?
Almost all browsers i.e. Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer support HTML 5.
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