Below are some common points you can remember. List is endless but I do not want
to make it long, so that you can remember important ones.
- Use string builder for concatenation rather than string when concatenation
huge string values.
- Avoid boxing / unboxing, use generics.
- Avoid writing in line SQL queries use stored procedures.
- Choose your indexes (clustered and non-clustered) properly.
- Use Caching for data which will not change frequently.
- In ASP.NET use output cache directive for page level caching.
Difference between .NET 1.X,2.0,3.0, 3.5 and 4.0:-
Below is the list of top differences between the framework versions. Please
remember the list is much bigger than what I have put down. But for interview
perspective I have taken top 5 in each one of them so that we can remember the
important ones.
.NET 2.0
.NET 3.0
.NET 3.5
.NET 4.0
Support for 64 bit application.
SQL cache dependency
Master pages
Membership and roles
WCS ( card space)
Ajax inbuilt
ADO Entity framework
ADO data services
Multi targeting
Parallel computing
DLR dynamic
Code contract
language runtime
Lazy initialization
Background GC
You can also watch the below video created by which
demonstrates how read only read only is a runtime constant and constant is a
compile time constant.