Represent a Linear Array in memory
The elements of linear array are stored in consecutive memory locations. It is shown below:
Find the location of element in Linear Array
The elements of linear array are stored in consecutive memory locations. The computer does not keep
Structured Programming
In structured programming, the program is divided into small parts (functions) and each part perform
What is an Array
Mathematical notations and functions
1. Floor and Ceiling Functions:
If x is a real number, then it means that x lies between t
Basic Concepts - Rate of growth
It is not possible to perform simple analysis on the algorithm to determine exact amount of time req
Basic Concepts - Time-Space Tradeoff
he best algorithm to solve a problem is that which requires less space in memory and takes less time
Basic Concepts - Time Complexity and reasons for measuring it
It is the amount of time which is needed by the algorithm (program) to run to completion. We can mea
Basic Concepts - Space Complexity and reasons for measuring it
It is the amount of memory which is needed by the algorithm (program) to run to completion. We ca
Basic Concepts - Types of algorithm complexities
There are two types of algorithm complexity:
1. Space Complexity
2. Time Complexi
Basic Concepts - Need of measuring the complexity of an algorithm
There can be several algorithms to solve a particular problem. So to choose one out of them, we have
Basic Concepts - Algorithm Complexity
t is the function which tells us that how much space and time will be taken by the algorithm to give
Basic Concepts - Format of formal representation of an algorithm
The formal representation of the algorithm has following two parts:
1. The first part describes
Basic Concepts - Keys and types of keys
Key is used to differentiate an entity from other entities in an entity set. It is a data item in a
Basic Concepts - Records and types of records
A record is a collection of related field values, i.e. data items, of a given entity. E.g. roll numb
Basic Concepts - Field
A field is a single elementary unit of information which is used to represent and attribute of an en
Basic Concepts - Difference between data and information
‘Data’ refers to a value or set of values. These values may represent some abbreviations from an exp
Basic Concepts - Information
hen the data is processed by applying certain rules, new generated data is called ‘Information’. Thu
Basic Concepts -Sub-Algorithm
A sub-algorithm is an algorithmic module which is complete in itself and has independent existence.
Basic Concepts - Criteria to be satisfied by the Algorithm
An algorithm must satisfy the following criteria:
1. Input- These are the values that are suppli
Basic Concepts - Characteristics of Algorithm
An algorithm has following characteristics:
1. Each and every instruction should be precise and
Basic Concepts - Algorithm
An algorithm is a sequence of instructions or steps. These instructions are written in such a way th
Basic Concepts - Operations that can be performed on data structures
Following operations can be performed on the data structures:
1. Traversing
2. Searching
Basic Concepts - Characteristics of data structures
1. It contains data items that can be elementary item, group item or another data structure.
Basic Concepts - Factors that influence the choice of a particular data structure
Following factors influence the choice of a particular data structure:
1. It must be able to rep
Basic Concepts - Data Structures and Types of Data Structures
Data can be organized in many ways and data structures is one of these ways. It is used to represent
Basic Concepts - File
file is a collection of related records of the entities in a given entity set. E.g. a file containi
Basic Concepts - Entity Set
ntity set is a collection or group of all the entities which are of same type and share same attribu
Basic Concepts - Attribute and Domain
Attributes are features or characteristics which are used to differentiate an entity from other enti
Basic Concepts - Entity and Types of Entities
An entity is a thing or object that has unique and independent existence and can be differentiated f